14 September 2009

To please Him in all respects

Col 1:10 NASB - so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please {Him} in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;

I have committed this verse to memory. Here is some help from the original Greek:
walk: peripateo. to order one's behavior, to conduct one's self.
worthy: axios. weighing as much as another thing. "The saints are to see to it that their manner of life, their conduct, weighs as much as the character of their Lord. That is, He is to be their example in life, and the copy must be like the example." [Wuest]
work: ergon. that which one undertakes to do. an act, deed, thing done.
knowledge: epignosis. a thorough knowlege, a penetrating and gripping knowledge. Here it is not speaking of information, but rather a knowledge of His will for our conduct.

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