15 September 2011

I Will Veil Myself In You

Lord, only You can speak to the depths of the soul
I don`t know who this is for but Lord, I`m going to speak
to those who have backslidden
To those, Oh Lord, who have been growing cold & indifferent
to the call of God & the things of Christ.
Oh God, come & speak.

God says, `The word that I`ve sent to you,
I didn`t send it out to be void.
But the word that I have given to you
is going to accomplish the very thing I said it would.`

Lord, I flee to You to hide me (Psalm 143:9).
Folks, the original in that says,
`I will veil myself in You.`

Now you think about it.
You see, our faith now cannot be based on emotion.
Our faith cannot be based on just the testimonies
of others who have been delivered.
They can`t be cliches.
They can`t be just a shout.

We have to have a foundation
for the faith that we`re going to need.
And this has to be laying hold of
God`s own claims of who He is.

This whole things starts out right here.

Oh, hear my prayer, Lord.
Hear my supplication.
In Your faithfulness, answer me
And in Your righteousness.

And here`s a challenge.
God, here`s the basis upon which I come to You.
Not what I`ve heard in the past about people,
but here`s what You told me You are.

You said that You are faithful.
That You are just.
That You are holy.
You cannot lie.
You can`t be God if You aren`t faithful.
You said You are long-suffering.
You said You`re the God of peace.
You said You`re the God of my strength

Now I`m coming to You.
I`m going to lift my hands to You.
I`m going to believe what You said about Yourself.
And I am coming on the merits of nothing I have done,
no righteousness of my own, but on the promise of God.
What You told me.

Remember the word unto Your servant
which You have caused me to hope in.
This is my comfort in affliction.
For You have now quickedned me.

How was he quickened
Lord, God, I have lifted my hands to You.
I have trusted You.
I have claimed Your promises.
You are who You said You are.

From now on, I`m going to veil myself in You.
I`m going to cut myself off from all confidence in the flesh,
or in people, or in anyone else.

I`m going to throw myself at Your mercy.
Your grace! Your power! Your glory!
And I`m veiling myself in Christ.

[David Wilkerson]
Transcribed from audio at the Times Square Church Memorial Service - May 14, 2011

07 September 2011

Prone to Wander

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

3. Jesus sought me when a stranger,
Wandering from the fold of God;
He, to rescue me from danger,
Interposed His precious blood;
How His kindness yet pursues me
Mortal tongue can never tell,
Clothed in flesh, till death shall loose me
I cannot proclaim it well.

4. O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.

5. O that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy lovely face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I’ll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, my Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

Robert Robinson 1757

12 August 2011

A modern day psalm of deliverance

Dear Jesus,

You told me to resist the devil and he would flee from me,
          But I have no resistance.
You have all the power and resistance I’ll ever need,
          So give me the power to resist.
You told me I could move my mountains
          If I had faith even as a mustard seed;
Yet my mountain won’t move
          Even though my faith in you is as great
As I can conceive it.
          You made the heavens and earth;
Please move my mountain.
          You said, “Flee the very appearance of evil!”
So I ran hard,
          But sin overtook me
In my finest hour of effort.
          You have power
Over all the power of the enemy
          With miracles, signs and wonders.
Deliver me from the trap of Satan.
          I don’t even have the strength to put on the whole armor,
So dress me as my armor-bearer.
          Do for me what I know I cannot do for myself.

Having known this man, I'm deeply moved that he once penned this modern day variation of Psalm 34:6
This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.

02 April 2011

The Use And Advantage Of Faith In A Time Of Public Calamity

You know that, for many years, upon all these occasions, without failing, I have been warning of you continually of an approaching calamitous time, and considering the sins that have been the causes of it. The day is with the Lord, -- the year and month I know not: but I have told you that "judgment will begin at the house of God;" that in the latter days of the church, "perilous times will come;" that God seems to have" hardened our hearts from his fear, and caused us to err from his ways;" and that none knows what "the power of his wrath" will be. In all these things I have foretold you of perilous, distressing, calamitous times; and in all men's apprehensions they now lie at the door, and are entering in upon us. Now I must change my design; and my present work will be, both upon this and, if I live, upon some other occasions, to show how we ought to deport ourselves in and under the approaches of distressing calamities that are coming upon us, and may reach, it may be, up to the very neck.
      What this text teaches us is, that in the approaches of overwhelming calamities, and in the view of them, we ought, in a peculiar manner, to live by faith. That is the meaning of the place.