29 August 2009
The Proper Hope
If you had asked a Thessalonian Christian what he was waiting for, what would have been his reply? Would he have said, “I am waiting for the world to improve by means of the gospel which I myself have received? or, I am waiting for the moment of my death when I shall go to be with Jesus?” No. His reply would have been simply this, “I am waiting for the Son of God from heaven.” This, and nothing else, is the proper hope of the Christian, the proper hope of the Church. To wait for the improvement of the world is not Christian hope at all. You might as well wait for the improvement of the flesh, for there is just as much hope of the one as the other.
This, and naught else, is the true and proper hope of the Church of God. “I will give him the morning star” (Rev. 2: 23). “Behold the bridegroom cometh” (Matt. 25). When, we may ask, does the morning star appear in the natural world? Just before the dawning of the day. Who sees it? The one who has been watching during the dark and dreary hours of the night. How plain, how practical, how telling the application. The Church is supposed to be watching — to be lovingly wakeful — to be looking out. Alas! the Church has failed in this. But that is no reason why the individual believer should not be in the full present power of the blessed hope. “Let him that heareth say, Come.” This is deeply personal. Oh! that the writer and the reader of these lines may realize habitually the purifying, sanctifying, elevating power of this heavenly hope! May we understand and exhibit the practical power of those words of the Apostle John, “Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure.”
[C.H.Mackintosh, The Lord's Coming]
28 August 2009
Prerequisites for Evangelism
According to Psalm 51, you will need four things:
1. a clean heart
2. a steadfast* spirit
(*to be directed aright, be fixed aright. to be prepared, be arranged, be settled. be ready.)
3. the presence and sustaining of the Holy Spirit
4. the joy of salvation
Psa 51:10 NASB - Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psa 51:11 NASB - Do not cast me away from Your presence And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Psa 51:12 NASB - Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.
Psa 51:13 NASB - {Then} I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners will be converted to You.
27 August 2009
In the Battle
I think we're at a very interesting moment in time in U.S. history. The nation is divided right down the middle - I don't have to tell you that. We may yet, as Christians, lose the righteousness war, or the culture war, in this country, and it may just go headlong into sin. And you know I don't even mind losing that battle on one hand as long as everybody that's supposed to be in the battle is IN THE BATTLE. And I think we are desperately in need today of the prophetic voice from God among his people in this culture, and it begins in the pulpit!
[Damien Kyle, Pastor, Calvary Chapel Modesto, 2009]
26 August 2009
[Tony Reinke]
25 August 2009
The Apprehension of Divine Grace
24 August 2009
He made Intercession for the Transgressors
22 August 2009
The Foundation of Spiritual Education
21 August 2009
Number our days
20 August 2009
Throwing Spears
19 August 2009
Verbal Abuse
The admonition to love our enemies applies here too.
Here are some verses for the offender:
Mat 12:34 NASB - "You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.
Col 3:8 NASB - But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.
18 August 2009
He is no fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.
17 August 2009
Christ Our Satisfaction
[Maurice Roberts]
16 August 2009
That he who now tempts you to sin upon this account, that repentance is easy, will, before long, to work you to despair, and forever to break the neck of your soul, present repentance as the most difficult and hardest work in the world.
[Thomas Brooks, Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices]
Before you sin, he will tell you repentance is easy, but after you sin he will tell you repentance is too hard.
True repentance is never too late — yet late repentance is seldom true.
[Thomas Brooks, Apples of Gold]
Repentance is not a little hanging down our heads...but a working in our hearts to such grief as will make sin [itself] more odious unto us than punishment, until we offer an holy violence against it.
[Richard Sibbes]
Many bloggers give this subject attention, recent examples are here and also here.